Heartburn could be affected by lifestyle choices
People who suffer from heartburn on a regular basis could take simple steps to improving their digestive health, an expert has claimed.
Gastroenterologist Dr Rosa Cirillo has urged people to make small changes to their diet to relieve the painful side effects of the preventable condition.
In an interview with the Times Herald-Record, Dr Cirillo advised people to avoid simple carbohydrates and processed foods in a bid to ease the symptoms.
Experts have also recommended people eat small portions frequently throughout the day to stabilise insulin in the digestive system.
Dr Cirillo stated that people should consider the correct treatment for them when contemplating relief for the painful health issue.
She said: “It could be prayer, meditation, yoga or walking the dog.
“At some point, you just have to prioritise – especially if your lifestyle is making you sick.”
Web MD advises heartburn sufferers to eat slowly and avoid snacking immediately before sleeping to relieve the symptoms.