Custom Probiotics CP-1

(6 customer reviews)


Adult Formulation Custom Probiotics CP-1

Our Custom Probiotics CP-1 formulation are available in capsules and contain around 98 billion bacteria per capsule at time of manufacture, verified by independent laboratory testing. This count is much higher than those claimed by most probiotic products on the market today.

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Detailed Description

Adult Formulation Custom Probiotics CP-1

  • Over 70 billion bacteria per capsule
  • 5 strains
  • Pure hypoallergenic formulation
  • No additives
  • Tested for temperature stability over a two year period
  • Survives transit in the gut

Probiotics play a key role in human nutrition and health in balancing the intestinal microflora naturally. Probiotics have been used therapeutically to modulate immunity, improve digestive processes, lower cholesterol, treat rheumatoid arthritis, prevent cancer, improve lactose intolerance, and prevent or reduce the effects of atopic dermatitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, diarrhea, constipation as well as Candida and urinary tract infections.

Our Custom Probiotics CP-1 formulation are available in capsules and contain around 78 billion bacteria per capsule at time of manufacture, verified by independent laboratory testing. This count is much higher than those claimed by most probiotic products on the market today.

Adult formulation CP-1 contains five superior tried and tested strains of acid resistant freeze-dried probiotic microorganisms These strains are L. Acidophilus, L.Rhamnosus,L. Plantarum, B. Lactis and B. Bifidum, and are most specifically helpful to the small and large intestines. To be effective we have found that a probiotic supplement should have a high bacterial count and a blend of different genera.

Adult formulation CP-1 meets the following criteria

  • Exerts a beneficial effect on the host
  • Non pathogenic and non toxic
  • Contains a very high number of viable cells
  • Probiotic strains are of human origin
  • Capable of surviving and metabolising in the gut
  • Remains viable during storage and use
  • Is antagonistic to pathogens

Custom Probiotics represents exceptional value, as each billion bacteria costs 1.5c. This is compared to typical shop bought probiotics which may cost up to 40 times more per billion bacteria.

Our CP-1 Acidophilus and Bifidus supplements are dairy free, hypoallergenic, and do not contain any artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, sugar, gluten or FOS.  We do not use prebiotics, such as fructooligosacharides (F0S) or inulin, in our formulations, with a view to eliminating possible adverse reactions in those suffering with candida overgrowth or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Most FOS in today’s market contains 5-40% free sugar. We suggest getting FOS naturally from vegetables such as onion, garlic, asparagus, dandelion, artichokes and leeks, which have many additional health promoting and nutritional benefits.

Customers rave about CP-1:

“I thought that I should let you know of my progress with respect to my crohn’s colitis and your Probiotics. In a couple of words I can say that they are “extremely effective”.

As a surgeon I know the body is a great healer provided we help it along. Your treatments… work naturally and effectively.

Carry on the good work of supplying first class products!
– David, London, U.K.


“Your CP-1 has helped my Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms.

I had blood and mucous. They are both gone. My stool frequency is more normal, also.

I take 5-6 capsules each day. I have tried many of the top probiotics, but yours are the most

effective for me. As you said, results are the only things that count.

Please continue the good work with the same effective strains of probiotics.


– Tom Biggs

Remember, our aim at immunecare is:

  • Helping you to get well
  • Understanding your problems
  • Supporting you every step of the way

If you have any questions about our products, then please email us at [email protected] or call our Free International Helpline 0064 33521535.

Dosage instructions:
Start with one capsule first thing in the morning with a large glass of tepid water. Continue this for three days.
Next take one capsule in the morning and one at night, both with a large glass of tepid water for three days. In this way, work your way up to two capsules twice per day.

You can always lower the dosage level, or stop taking the probiotics for one or two days if desired.

Please note that every digestive system is unique and individual like a fingerprint. You need to find the level of dosage that suits you as an individual. It may be 1, 2, 4, or even 6 capsules per day. Gradual increase in dosage is the best way to find this optimum personal level.

It is possible, and recommended, for children to take CP-1 in the following manner: open a capsule and dissolve 1/4 of the capsule in a glass of water. It needs a very good stir for about one minute. This can then be given to the child twice a day. Water is preferable to juice because of the acid content in juice. Alternatively it can be given as half a capsule once per day. Just make sure that you stir the solution thoroughly for at least a minute.

There are no known contraindications with CP-1.

Our probiotic formulations must be refrigerated to maintain maximum potency.

90 gelatin capsules.

What are Probiotics and how do they work?

According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: “Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.” Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that inhabit the digestive system naturally. Antibiotics, infection, bad diet, and stress negatively affect the intestinal microflora. The proper dosage of probiotics will be of great help in normalizing the flora in the digestive system, and hence improve digestive and immune response.


Do your products contain any dairy or gluten?

All of our products are dairy and casein free, hypoallergenic, and do not contain any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sugar, gluten, soy or FOS. They do not utilize milk, milk derivatives, galacto oligosaccharides (GOS) or inulin as added ingredients in the fermentation media.


What is the difference between the CP-1 and the 6-Strain powder?

CP-1 has 5 strains and is 60 billion cfu’s per capsule at the time of expiration. In addition to the probiotics, it contains microcrystalline cellulose, silcon dioxide and magnesium sterate. The 6-strain powder has an additional strain, L. Salivarius, and is straight culture with nothing else added to it. It is higher in purity and potency with 260 billion cfu’s per gram.


In the D-Lactate free formula, what does D-lactate mean and why doesn’t it include the L. Plantarum and the L. Acidophilus strain?

D-lactate is a result of fermentation of probiotic bacteria in the digestive system. An excess of D-lactate in our system can produce digestive and neurological problems especially with people with Short Bowel Syndrome and autism. L. Plantarum and L. Acidophilus produce high D-lactate and therefore we do not include them in our D-lactate free formula. Our D-lactate free formula contains L. Salivarius, L. Rhamnosus, B. Bifidum, and B. Infantis, strains that do not produce D-lactate.


What is the difference between Yogurt Starter Culture Formula #1 and Formula #2?

Although they are very similar in their taste and performance, Yogurt Starter Culture Formula #1 has 3 different strains (L. Bulgaricus, S. Thermophilus and L. Acidophilus) while Formula # 2 contains two additional strains (B. Longum and L. Casei). People on the specific carbohydrate diet use our Formula #1 starter since they do not want to have Bifidobacteria.


Should I follow a certain diet while taking probiotics?

A lot of our clients have Candida, Autism, food allergies and other digestive issues. Therefore it is best to use a sugar-free and natural food diet with a lot of vegetables, fibers, and some fish and chicken. This is because Candida and bad bacteria grow on sugar. Therefore proper diet and nutrition are very important.


What are cfu’s?

Colony Forming Units. It’s the bacterial count of probiotics.


How do I know I’m getting the specified amount of cfu’s?

We do independent lab testing on our probiotics to verify the bacterial count at the time of sale. Although the count is higher at the time of production, the count on the label is the count at time of expiration, which is one year from the date of manufacture.


What is a good dosage?

Dosage varies from person to person based on the severity of their situation. These dosages vary from 25 billion cfu’s per day up to 800 billion cfu’s per day. Low dosage probiotics will have limited health benefits. You will need a higher potency in order to achieve the desired results. Many of our customers have used other probiotic brands with minimal results due to low potency. Click here for more detailed dosage suggestions.


How would I know whether to get 50 grams or 100 grams?

It depends on how much you need and how quickly you will go through it. 100 grams is more cost effective. If one uses one adult scoop (200 billion cfu’s) per day of our probiotic powder, 100 grams will last 4 months.


What time of day should I take probiotics? And can I take them with other medications, vitamins or antibiotics?

Probiotics are best taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and/or at bedtime. A lapse of 30-45 minutes before or after a meal is also recommended. If you are taking antibiotics you should have a 2-hour gap before or after taking the probiotics.


What is the maximum amount of capsules or scoops I can take a day?

Dosage varies from person to person. Depending on the condition, if you are taking our Adult Formula CP-1, 8 capsules is the maximum amount to take a day (equivalent to 400 billion cfu’s). If you are taking our powders, the maximum amount is 4 adult scoops a day (equivalent to 800 billion cfu’s).


How long will a 50 gram or a 100 gram powder last me?

50 grams is equivalent to 60 adult scoops. Each adult scoop measures 0.8 grams (equivalent to 200 billion cfu’s). If you take one adult scoop a day 50 grams will last 2 months while 100 grams will last 4 months. We also include a child scoop measuring 0.1 gram equivalent to 25 billion cfu’s. 8 baby scoops are equivalent to 1 adult scoop.

Large scoop 100 grams (200 billion cfu’s) 1 scoop/day 4 months
2 scoops/day 3 months
3 scoops/day 2 months
4 scoops/day 1 month
Large scoop 50 grams 1 scoop/day 2 months
2 scoops/day 1.5 months
3 scoops/day 1 month
4 scoops/day 2 weeks
Small scoops 100 grams (25 billion cfu’s) 2 baby scoops/day 7-8 months
Small scoops 50 grams 2 baby scoops/day 3-4 month


How long will the capsules last?

Each capsule will supply 60 billion cfu’s total of five different strains. This potency is guaranteed at the time of expiration which is one year from the date of manufacture. If you take one capsule a day the bottle will last you 3 months.


At what age can an infant or child take probiotics?

Based on our research the infant dosage of probiotics can be given starting at 6 months up to the age of 3.


How much probiotics can an infant take?

We supply a baby scoop which is 0.1 gram (the equivalent of 20-25 billion cfu’s). Infants can take from half a baby scoop to 2 baby scoops.


Why do some people get a “die-off” reaction?

“Die-off” reaction is due to a “war” between the ingested probiotic good bacteria and the bad microorganisms in the digestive system. The more the imbalance of intestinal flora and the higher the dosage of probiotics taken, the higher the “die-off” reaction can be. That is why our dosage protocol is to go up in dosage gradually.


What happens if the probiotics stay out of the refrigerator for a few days?

The loss is very minimal. We have done 2 year temperature stability testing on it. We overdesign our probiotics so that the loss will not effect the potency indicated on the label. One can travel with our probiotics for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. It is best however to keep probiotics refrigerated longer term for optimum potency.


Why aren’t Custom Probiotics enteric coated?

The argument for the need of enteric coating is mainly marketing. It is true that in the laboratory one can demonstrate enhanced survival to acidic conditions when you compare powder vs. enterically coated capsules, however the need for that to achieve efficacy is not demonstrated. Our clinical trials have not been performed with enterically coated capsules, however efficacy is noted. Our strains are also pre-selected for excellent acid/bile tolerance and the capacity to survive intestinal transit. And for the last 11 years we have obtained excellent results from all our clients worldwide.


Do probiotics help with parasites?

Yes and no. It is best to kill the parasites first with prescription drugs or certain natural foods and supplements. Garlic, papaya seeds, pumpkin seeds, fibers (such as bentonite clay and psyllium husk) are helpful in killing the parasites. A sugar-free diet, junk food-free diet is essential. Normally probiotics are used after parasites are brought under control. Dosage is important. We suggest high dosages of probiotics.

6 reviews for Custom Probiotics CP-1

  1. Bobbie

    Your product has literally saved my life.

  2. .

    I just wanted to tell you how effective I think your CP-1 formula is.

  3. Tom Biggs

    Your CP-1 has helped my Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. I had blood and mucous. They are both gone. My stool frequency is more normal, also.

    I take 5-6 capsules each day. I have tried many of the top probiotics, but yours are the most effective for me. As you said, results are the only things that count.

    Please continue the good work with the same effective strains of probiotics.


  4. David London

    I thought that I should let you know of my progress with respect to my crohn’s colitis and your Probiotics. In a couple of words I can say that they are “extremely effective”.

    As a surgeon I know the body is a great healer provided we help it along. Your treatments… work naturally and effectively.

    Carry on the good work of supplying first class products!

  5. Barbara Jean Pearce

    For seven years I was unable to tolerate ANY dairy products without breaking out with red swelling and ugly, itchy blisters on my forehead. After trying custom probiotics CP-1 formula, 3 capsules a day, I am now able to enjoy all kinds of dairy products without any ill effects. It’s like being let out of a prison. I’m very happy with the results.


  6. Vicky Schofield

    I have now been off all Cohn’s medicine (Colozal, Pentasa, Entecort) since November and have never felt better. My doctor has no other explanation for my recovery, it has to be the probiotics.

    Thank you..

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